It really is a Wonderful Life
Who doesn't love this movie? 'It's a Wonderful Life' has always been one of my favs and never fails to disappoint.
This timeless classic continues to inspire me every time I watch it. Chocked full of life lessons and valuable messages, reminding us of the importance of each and every one of our own precious lives. It reminds us of the impact we have on each other with simple daily acts of kindness and the smallest of words spoken in a fleeting moment. This year as I watched the adorable Clarence and listened to some of his profound words, one quote really stuck with me..
'Remember, no man is a failure who has friends'
Simple, beautiful and true.
Our friends are the family we choose. Our friends are the invisible support who are there in our times of need without questions, judgment or looking for anything in return. Our friends are precious.
The end of the year always brings a time of reflection. A time when we look back. And a time we say thank you.
This year I am looking forward with a heart full of love and gratitude for all of the friends I have. Friends that really have been there with me through the years and for new friends who have brought a fresh light and energy into my life. This year is going to be a year that I stay true to the value of human connection. So powerful and so much needed in this crazy fast world that we live in.
It's not always easy to say thank you and it's not always easy to remember that we are all someones friend.
You have all been a huge friend to Deva and its success. Students, teachers, therapists and all the other little cogs in the wheel that keep us going.
I may not always get the opportunity to say it to you in person, so simply thank you and please remember, I am your friend to.
With much love and peace for 2024
Happy New Year