Reflexology For Menopause

World Menopause Day is held on October 18th every year, to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available to improve health and wellbeing.

This is a timely reminder to pause and consider how you can support your own journey through peri-menopause and menopause. One support option is Reflexology, a safe, natural, non-invasive complementary therapy where gentle pressure is applied to reflex points on the feet, bringing about deep relaxation, stimulating the body’s own healing processes and helping it to return to a state of balance and wellbeing.

At menopause, reflexology works by regulating the hormones and glandular functions of the body. It can help to ease and balance both the physical and emotional systems.

Every woman and her menopause is unique. Menopause is a natural process that women go through, and it can be seen as a new beginning, a time when our sense of purpose as women can change. But for some the symptoms of menopause can be very unpleasant and there may be times when a little extra support is needed.    

Reflexology for Menopause is a specific treatment tailored to support women going through the peri-menopause and menopause. As a specialist in this field I can offer personalised bespoke reflexology treatments to help support you with common symptoms such as:

  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Palpitations
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood swings/irritability
  • Achy Joints/muscles
  • Headaches  

Please contact me on 07786526694, email, Facebook and Instagram BairbreNeufeldReflexology for further details and to book your reflexology treatment. 

I look forward to meeting you and helping you on your personal healing journey.